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Allyship, Mentorship, Sponsorship: What Does it Look Like and How Can I Participate?

This program is for every member of the association management community who has ever wanted to have a mentor or thought about being a mentor. We will explore the different types of mentorship partnerships available because mentorship does not always happen as a formal, structured relationship. For example, mentorship partnerships can be short-term engagements like prepping for a particular project or exam or they can be reverse mentorships where the mentee is someone who would normally fall into the mentor role but is seeking to gain knowledge either from a generational or diversity perspective.
We will also explore how relationships can go from being an ally, to a mentor, to a sponsor. Relationship building can happen in many ways and we should not get caught up in having a ”mentor” but focus on building relationships that can make an impact over time.

Learning Objectives:

  • Compare the different types of mentorship opportunities to identify how to build relationships that will support career development and advancement
  • Learn techniques and best practices for how to build relationships with individuals that can serve as mentors
  • Recognize the value of engaging in mentorship opportunities to advance the professional development of fellow association management professionals
This program may be applied for 1 credit toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.