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VE-EDU-57: Open Access Project: Building Capacity in UDL, AT, and AAC Across California


Open Access is a project funded, as part of California’s statewide system of support, to develop a model and provide robust resources to build regional capacity for implementing best practices in the specific areas of Universal Design for Learning, Assistive Technology and Augmentative Alternative Communication. In year 3 of this 5-year project, we are disseminating many of the resources developed to support this work in building 31 regional teams across California to train and coach district and site teams. Come to explore and connect these resources to your work!

Content Disclosure: This session will focus on Open Access, a project funded, as part of California's statewide system of support, to develop a model and provide robust resources to build regional capacity for implementing best practices in the specific areas of Universal Design for Learning, Assistive Technology and Augmentative Alternative Communication. There will be limited or no information provided about similar research projects.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe three relevant implementation drivers that are critical to developing an effective training model for school-based staff supporting students to effectively access their education including curriculum and communication competence.
  2. Discuss one or more methods or activities for training participants to effectively demonstrate mastery to fidelity of evidence-based practice-related skills in the three different focus areas of the project: Universal Design for Learning, Assistive Technology and Augmentative Alternative Communication.
  3. Identify at least five resources designed to support building regional capacity for implementing best practices in the specific areas of Universal Design for Learning, Assistive Technology and Augmentative Alternative Communication.

Primary Strand

Education & Learning: Early Intervention – 12/Higher Education

Secondary Strand


Target Audience

  • Administrators
  • AT Specialists
  • Communication Specialist
  • Consultants/Trainers
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Educators
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Special Education Educators

Experience Level


Primary Life Cycle Addressed

Birth - PreK; Elementary - Secondary (K-12)

Session Delivery Format

Recorded presentation

Course Schedule

This course was recorded for the ATIA 2022 Virtual Event

Continuing Education Credits

For Satisfactory Completion and Continuing Education information, please visit: ATIA Learning Center CEUs

This course is offered for the following CE Provider Credits:
For: 0.10 CEU Units or 1.0 CEU Hours.

As this course was included in the ATIA 2022 Virtual Event series, please refer to the ATIA Learning Center CEUs page for further information on how to submit your CRC CEUs for this course to CRCC.


Jill McCann, M.S. SpEd

Placer County Office of Education, Educational Technology/Assistive Technology Specialist


Jill is an Educational Technology/Assistive Technology Specialist and has been a huge UDL proponent during her 20 years working in the AT/EdTech field. She holds a Master's Degree Special Education, an Education Specialist credential, and an AT Certificate. She has contributed to and presented at numerous professional development workshops on Assistive Technology and works diligently researching strategies and digital resources which support students and educators. She was instrumental in her design of the Open Access website.

Relevant Financial Relationship: Yes
Salary from employment & grant funded. Placer County Office of Education with a grant from the California Department of Education.

Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: No

Jennifer Wright, M.A., CCC-SLP

Placer County SELPA, Program Specialist/AAC Specialist


Jennifer has over 20 years of experience, with 15 of those as a Speech-Langauge Pathologist focused on AAC. She currently works as a Program Specialist for the Placer County SELPA to support the Open Access project. She supports school districts by consulting, coaching, and providing AAC Needs Assessments and by ensuring that staff is supported with implementation strategy training. Jennifer is highly involved with developing and presenting at a variety of AAC workshops including Building Tiered Supports for AAC through the Open Access Project.

Relevant Financial Relationship: Yes
Salary from employment

Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: No

Jillian King, M.A., CCC-SLP

Placer County SELPA, Senior Director of Facilitated Improvement and Support


Jillian is Senior Director of Facilitated Improvement and Support for Placer County Office of Education. Under a grant from the California Department of Education she is supporting the development of regional implementation teams across California to build UDL implementation capacity. Jillian is a speech-language pathologist, specializing in augmentative alternative communication and assistive technology. She was integral in the development of the Bridge School, a model program for students who use AT and AAC in Northern California. In Placer County, Jillian supports developing capacity of districts to integrate, through a UDL lens, UDL strategies and digital tools to support learning.

Relevant Financial Relationship: Yes
Salary from employment.

Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: No

Ginger Mitchell, M.A.

Placer County Office of Education, Augmentative Alternative Communication Specialist


Ginger is a Statewide Lead in the Open Access AAC project in California. She has been an AAC Specialist with Placer County Office of Education for the past 10 years, and with the county in a speech-language pathologist role for over 17 years. She enjoys supporting team development, facilitating IEP teams in our region through challenging situations and supporting AAC Regional Lead teams as they begin their capacity building journeys.

Relevant Financial Relationship: Yes
Salary from employment.

Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: No