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Selecting Virtual Reality Games for RT Treatment: Therapist Considerations (.1 CEUs)

Virtual Reality (VR) interventions are an emerging way to address health concerns in diverse client populations while simultaneously engaging individuals in a leisure activity. However, the wide array of VR games and applications available on the market can be overwhelming for therapists. Additionally, very few game selection guidelines or criteria currently exist to help recreational therapists in choosing appropriate VR games for their clients. This module will provide a general overview of therapist considerations that may be helpful when choosing VR games for specific clients and treatment interventions. Topics covered include an overview of available VR equipment and games, RT assessment considerations, treatment goals, using the Activity Analysis process, available online resources, and the consideration of client leisure motivation when selecting VR games.

Upon completion of the session, participants will be able to:
1. Identify a minimum of four different resources for learning about available VR games that could be appropriate for use in recreational therapy professional practice
2. Explain two ways the recreational therapy assessment process can be used to obtain relevant information for matching a client to a VR intervention
3. Discuss leisure motivation as a consideration for VR intervention selection