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Strategies for Completing and Writing the CAAHEP/CARTE Self-Study for Program Accreditation in Higher Education (.1 CEUs)

Completing and writing a self-study is a time consuming but important process. Often times, educators are not sure where to start, question their interpretation of specific standards, and/or struggle to identify efficient work strategies that produce significant results. This session will provide a brief overview of the CARTE standards, the self-study report form, and required supportive documentation. Next, tips and strategies that have proven successful by other programs in completing the CAAHEP/CARTE self-study process and report will be highlighted. Questions and discussion from participating educators will be encouraged in an effort to generate solutions to overcoming specific barriers to completing the CAAHEP/CARTE self-study for their program.

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify methods for organizing the self-study process and documentation
2. Identify resources to support writing the self-study
3. Develop a timeline/plan for writing the self-study
4. Identify the CARTE standards that most frequently get cited and information needed to meet the standard