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Connecting the Brain and Body through Music Therapy and Recreation Therapy: A Case Study (.1 CEUs)

This presentation will focus on a Veteran with a history of TBI and multiple chronic diagnoses who has been receiving services through music therapy and recreation therapy at the VA Medical Center. We will highlight elements of both practices, from an individual and co-treatment perspective, that have been used to support veterans in reaching functional mobility, cognition, and emotional goals. Considerations for in-person and telehealth treatment will be discussed to educate the audience regarding best practices and potential for future study.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify benefits of co-treatment for Music Therapy and Recreation Therapy for veterans with these specific diagnoses.
  2. Determine the efficacy of telehealth and in-person sessions for treatment planning and co-treating.
  3. Provide examples of best practices and considerations for Music Therapy and Recreation Therapy co-treating.