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Awards Nominations

Thank you for your willingness to submit an application for the ATRA Awards program! We truly enjoy the opportunity to celebrate those in the association who have gone above and beyond, and your participation in the nominations process is essential!Below you will see a brief description of all the awards. If you click on the title of each award, it will take you to the full description and qualifications for that award. Please make sure to review all of the criteria to ensure that you or the individual you are nominating has the necessary qualifications for the award.

DISTINGUISHED FELLOW:This is the highest recognition award given by ATRA. The award recognizes exceptional accomplishments within the field of recreational therapy. It will not be given each year unless all designated criteria are met.

OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL:This award may be made annually to one member of ATRA. It is the second most prestigious award of ATRA.

MEMBER OF THE YEAR: This award may be made annually to one member of ATRA for outstanding contributions to the organization.

INDIVIDUAL CITATION: This citation may be made annually to one non-member of ATRA. A person is eligible to receive the citation one time only.
ORGANIZATION/INSTITUTION CITATION: An organization is defined as any group who advocates, promotes and/or supports the delivery of services to persons with disabilities. This includes any public, private, or voluntary group organized under a charter, permit, certificate, or incorporation. An institution is defined as agency, primarily residential in nature, but which also provide day or outreach services. The institution’s purpose is to provide health, treatment, rehabilitation, or other human services, including recreation, to persons with disabilities. Only one award will be given each year. This award is not based on the quality of an agency’s recreational therapy department, staff, or services, but rather on external recreational therapy services that meet qualifications.
CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION: Awarded for meritorious service that promotes, develops, or implements innovations, expansions, or improvements to RT/TR programs, services, and/or education. This is for such service not provided under “Member of the Year” or “Distinguished Service” awards.

FRANK N. BASILE CLINICIAN OF THE YEAR: This award will recognize the recipient’s outstanding contribution to recreational therapy through creative and innovative programming in a clinical setting through promotion of the profession and service to developing professionals.

EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION: This is awarded to a clinical agency or institution of higher education that has distinguished itself through outstanding contribution(s) to the RT/TR profession.

SCHOLARLY ACHIEVEMENT: This is awarded to one member of ATRA who has contributed significantly to the field of knowledge of recreational therapy.

CHAPTER AFFILIATE OF THE YEAR: This award may be made annually to an outstanding chapter affiliate of ATRA (Chapter with a signed MOU with ATRA).

ADVOCACY :This award may be made annually to recognize the advocacy efforts of an ATRA member on behalf of the recreational therapy profession and ATRA. The Federal Public Policy Team will review all applicants for this award and make a recommendation.
The nominations process occurs annually in the Spring. Awards are presented each year at the ATRA Annual Conference. Thank you!