Online Marketplace

Course Details

Great Things Are In Store With The ATS Online Marketplace

The top ecommerce platforms have nothing on us. Give your members the smooth, sophisticated shopping experience they’ve come to expect online through the ATS Online Marketplace. With complete iMIS integration, our exceptional e-store expands the platform’s functionality to ensure fast, user-friendly:
  • Membership renewal and dues payment
  • Event and webinar registration
  • Donation processing
  • Product purchases
It also mines your members’ data and shopping habits to help you better understand, serve and sell to them all while building your brand via integration with your association’s website and marketing strategy.


Incorporate our Online Marketplace into iMIS Public Views or replace the functionality of Public Views altogether. Either way, it delivers all the features you need to:
  • Create custom categories
  • Cross-sell, upsell and support star-rankings and user reviews that can then be posted to social media
  • Accept coupons, discounts, gift cards, credit cards and ACH payments
  • Give members access to account information, history, printable invoices, dues history, receipts and more
  • Connect events with members’ Outlook calendar and Google maps
Since the Online Marketplace is from the experts at ATS, we assure:
  • Compatibility with all versions of iMIS using the .NET iMIS Business Objects and Web Services (from versions 10-20)
  • A scalable, upgradeable solution
  • A speedy time to market with a marketplace that’s built and launched quickly

Functionality includes the ability to:

  • Manage the design through CSS
  • Change labels
  • Show/hide features of the site
  • Manage promotions/ads including start and end dates
  • Show/hide categories and add custom entries into the product categories
  • Manage search features including excluding product categories, product codes, event types, and meeting codes
  • Manage featured items and specials
  • Manage Best Sellers by excluding certain products if desired
  • Manage the time zone of each event/webinar
  • Manage and protect electronic assets for sale through the marketplace
  • Provide services through a number of third party webinar companies including Blue Sky eLearn, CommPartners, and GoToWebinar, all seamlessly integrated into the shopping experience.
  • Create kits of events and a combination of events and products.
  • Control how long someone has access to digital content (30 days, 90 days, etc)
  • Provide default images for events and products when an image has not been entered into iMIS.
  • Manage batches and their properties
    • Set cash accounts per credit card type
    • Combine credit cards into batches (e.g., AMEX in one and VISA, MC, DISC) in another batch
    • Manage the description of the batches
    • Allow for synchronization with payment gateway time zone (e.g., rollover batch to next day at 9:00 pm.)
    • Create separate batches per event or combine together with dues, products, and donations
  • Manage coupons by providing:
    • Coupon Codes
    • Coupon Description to print on receipt
    • Dollars off or percent off
    • Start and end dates
    • Single use or multiple use per person
    • Stackable/non stackable
    • Restrict to a single person or company
    • Restrict to member types
    • Restrict to product/event codes
    • Restrict to product categories
    • Set maximum uses per product code
    • Set maximum orders across the system for all members
    • Create any query to determine who can use the coupon (e.g., only annual conference attendees)