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AWSP School Leader Paradigm

At AWSP we work diligently to support all K-12 principals, assistant principals, and other school leaders as they make their way along the leadership journey. We see examples of effective and ineffective leadership throughout the state. What makes a leader successful? What leads to failed leadership? What contributes to the need for a leadership change? These are just a few of the questions that come to mind as we dive into the data collected around the state on highly effective leadership.

For years we’ve been evaluating school principals on what they “do” as leaders through the AWSP Leadership Framework. We’d like to help districts move away from the autopsy format of evaluation and create systems of ongoing professional growth where leaders focus their conversations about their own “becoming” while “doing.”

This session will introduce leaders to a powerful new resource called the School Leader Paradigm. Co-developed by AWSP with other state principal associations, and already in use around the state and country, come learn how you can reduce the churn of leaders and build new systems built around professional growth vs. evaluation.