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Facility Networks for All Things IoT, How to Succeed in Building, Commissioning, and Operating

New emerging technology, more IoT devices, IP BAS engines, and other systems (lighting, security, etc.) are actively connecting to building networks. These devices should be segregated on a parallel and dedicated Operational Technology (OT) network; however, the design, specification, and responsibility for a coordinated and robust solution is more challenging now because of the overlay of different stakeholders with often differing requirements, goals, and responsibilities. Without early involvement by the CxP with the owner in the OPR to understand the end solution, confusion and likely disputes will ensue and may not deliver the desired results. These solutions are more than communication solutions. They need to deliver measured performance, resilience, and reliability. This panel will discuss IT/OT infrastructure system design and deploying BACnet performance monitoring software to manage and monitor security and system health. The panelist will discuss how this can result in early and effective automated Cx using analytics to drive successful project outcomes.

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify the building systems and design criteria for modern building networks.
2. Discuss how to plan and specify network function and performance.
3. Describe the commissioning practices for building networks.
4. Indicate the various partners for network solutions and how to best work with them.

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