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The Controls Coordination Meeting: The Talk that Nobody is Having

Electromechanical controls have been one of the most significant energy efficiency innovations in the 21st century. As the technology has matured and the Internet of things (IoT) has expanded, operators now control everything from large AHUs to individual lightbulbs.But, like any mechanical system, as the number of parts increases, the potential for failure rises. And, as owners demand more control and energy savings goals become more intense, building controls problems become a large part of close-out and even building operation because of one ironic reason: Communications Failure. Control sequences are written when the building is a set of drawings, but by the time the thing tops out, the mechanical schedule could have changed several times.This presentation will teach you how to conduct an effective controls coordination meeting.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Perform an enhanced controls submittal review.
  2. Outline an agenda and attendees for a controls coordination meeting.
  3. Describe how to review a sequence of operations with every attendee's interests.
  4. Illustrate the results of this process into high-quality FPT scripts.

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