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Module 3 | Course 7: Control System Analysis - Air Handling Units and Hydronic Systems

Course 7: Control System Analysis – Air Handling Units and Hydronic Systems
This course provides instruction on the analysis of duct static pressure and variable air volume (VAV) terminal control, VAV reheat and supply air temperature control, economizer control and analysis of outside air control.

Lesson 1: Analysis of Duct Static Pressure and VAV Terminal Control
Lesson 2: Analysis of VAV Reheat & Supply Air Temp Control
Lesson 3: Economizer Control
Lesson 4: Analysis of Outside Air Control

After completing these lessons, participants will also be able to explain the analysis and identify operational deficiencies and resolutions of duct performance, VAV reheat and supply air temp controls, economizer controls and outside air control.
CEUs and Course Price: 1.5 AIA LU/HSW