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Path LMS Features Webinar: Integration Shopping? Here's What You Need to Know

Webinar Description
Deciding to integrate a new technology provider with Path LMS can significantly influence the effectiveness of your educational programs and your organization’s overall efficiency. Whether you're exploring integration options to enhance features, address unmet needs, or optimize current functionalities, this webinar will guide you through the key aspects of selecting and preparing for the ideal integration partner.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to identify your needs and requirements, and how to pinpoint gaps in your current setup.
  • The criteria for selecting the best integration partners, considering factors such as compatibility with Path LMS, customization capabilities, and support services.
  • Best practices for a smooth integration with new technology providers into Path LMS.
  • The critical steps in the integration process: testing, data migration, and user training.
  • Preparations necessary to ensure the integration process is as seamless as possible.
  • Strategies to future-proof your integration, ensuring its effectiveness in the long term.
If you're at the beginning of considering an integration, or if you're actively seeking the right technology partner, join us. This webinar will empower your decision-making with the knowledge and strategies necessary for a successful integration journey.

Our monthly features webinars are designed to help you use Path LMS to its full potential, unlocking valuable opportunities. For additional support using Path LMS, visit our Help Center by clicking the ? icon in the bottom right corner.