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Cat Friendly Interactions: Improving Visits for You and Cats

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Cat Friendly Interactions: Improving Visits for You and Cats
Overcome the primary barrier to feline healthcare by minimizing cat and client stress surrounding the veterinary visit. Additional benefits include veterinary team safety, efficiency, and loyalty, and caregiver confidence. Learn in this webinar how to accomplish these benefits with tips to incorporate the 2022 Cat Friendly Interaction Guidelines into your daily practice with feline patients, with non-physical and physical interactions and handling.

• Feline and client stress start at home. Learn how to alleviate this stress with simple steps to incorporate into practice.
• Increasing each cat’s coping ability through tips shared in the webinar (e.g., hiding options) increases their welfare and our safety.
• When impaired feline coping ability (AKA challenging cats), the use of anxiolytics and sedation can minimize fear and other protective emotions during current and future visits.


This course has been certified by or provided by the following Certified Organization/s: 
• AAVSB-Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE) - 1.00 Hours
• New York State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners - 1.00 Hours


  • Ilona Rodan, DVM, DABVP (Feline)

    Dr. Ilona Rodan is an ABVP certified feline specialist since 1995. Her passion is cat behavior and how to interact with cats in veterinary practices to enhance their welfare and our safety. She is the owner of Cat Behavior Consultations, and the former medical director and owner of the Cat Care Clinic in Madison, Wisconsin.

    Rodan is an active volunteer of the American Association of Feline Practitioners, a past-president and former chair of the AAFP Cat Friendly Practice program. She is the co-chair of the 2022 AAFP/ISFM Cat Friendly Interactions Guidelines and has also co-chaired guidelines and welfare position statements, including Feline Environmental Needs and the Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment.

    She presents nationally and internationally on feline medicine and behavior, and leads workshops on cat-friendly interactions and handling. In 2005, she was awarded the AVMA Animal Welfare Award for her leadership and contributions to advancing feline medicine and behavior. Rodan has written journal articles and book chapters, and is a co-editor and co-author of the veterinary textbook, Feline Behavioral Health and Welfare. Her goal is for every veterinary professional to learn how to interact safely with and handle cats during veterinary visits. In her spare time, she loves spending time outdoors in nature, kayaking, hiking, snorkeling, and spending time with her human and feline family.

February 7, 2023
Tue 5:00 PM EST

Duration 1H 15M

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