Thompson Grants Workshop - Recover Funding Left on the Table with an Indirect Cost Rate

The United States Department of Treasury has allocated over $1 trillion in American Rescue Plan dollars and $350 billion in emergency funding for CARES to various organizations across the United States. You can recover 100% of your indirect costs on the funding in addition to your direct costs.
Would you want to leave this money on the table?
And what about the funding that has already been awarded? Did you recover your indirect costs? With proven strategies, you can leverage the Uniform Guidance to your benefit and maximize your grant funding so you can impact more lives within your communities while staying in compliance.

Agenda -
SESSION 1: Indirect costs is sort of “taboo,” “hush hush,” and the last thing people want to talk about. However, it is the most critical piece to an organization surviving. Without HR, you have no employees for your programs. Without Finance, you have no way to pay for the HR person to hire the employees for your programs. There is no program (direct cost) without support (indirect cost).

Learning Objectives:
1. Benefits of having a negotiated indirect cost rate
2. How to leverage your rate once approved
3. Limitations of not having a negotiated indirect cost
4. Why recovering funds left on the table is critical

SESSION 2: Whether you are on the side of being a pass-through entity or a sub-recipient of a pass-through entity, it is imperative that each party understands their responsibilities and how to best prepare for monitoring and managing the grant award per the Uniform Guidance.

Learning Objectives:
1.Responsibilities as a pass-through entity
2. Responsibilities as a sub-recipient of a pass-through entity
3. Negotiating an indirect cost rate with a pass-through entity
4. How both parties can work together to accomplish the mission

This event was recorded on October 19th, 2022.

Meet Your Trainer -
Aleisha Beckum, MBA Aleisha has over 14 years of experience in the space of finance, grants, cost allocation plans, and indirect cost rate proposals. She has received her Master’s in Business Administration and with her extensive experience working with the State of California for several agencies, her experience as an Auditor for the California State Controller’s Office allowed her the in-depth knowledge surrounding the compliance and regulations pertaining to cost allocation plans and indirect cost rate proposals. With her expert experience of auditing and negotiating these reports, Aleisha can leverage her expertise to prepare cost allocation plans and indirect cost rate proposals that follow the federal regulations and provide education and guidance on how to leverage these reports to the benefit of the clients she is working with.

Aleisha has worked with cities, counties, state/federal government, tribes, nonprofits, hospitals,universities, and for-profit companies. Over the years, she has been able bring in an additional $1B+ for these organizations through the preparation of a cost allocation plan and indirect cost rate proposal.
Not only has Aleisha worked on the auditing and negotiation side of cost plans and indirect cost rate proposals but also in the pre-award phase of applying for grants as well as managing the grants after award has been issued. She has a full life cycle of grants knowledge in addition to the finance and accounting side of managing the grants so she can provide guidance and education to her clients regarding best practices to incorporate internally to maximize client’s funding and leverage it as a strategic management tool to optimize organization’s financial stability.