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Thompson Grants Workshop - Indirect Costs On-Demand

The United States Department of Treasury has allocated over $1 trillion in American Rescue Plan dollars and $350 billion in emergency funding for CARES to various organizations across the United States. You can recover 100% of your indirect costs on the funding in addition to your direct costs.

Would you want to leave this money on the table?
And what about the funding that has already been awarded? Did you recover your indirect costs? With proven strategies, you can leverage the Uniform Guidance to your benefit and maximize your grant funding so you can impact more lives within your communities while staying in compliance.

What is the most important benefit attendees will gain through this event?
Learn why it’s important to have a negotiated indirect cost rate and the actions that are needed to be taken immediately to recover funding left on the table before it expires. If funds are not fully expensed or returned, the burden is pushed onto taxpayers.

Don’t miss this unique and interactive virtual workshop!

Session 1, Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate, will cover:
✓ Benefits of having a negotiated indirect cost rate
✓ How to leverage your rate once approved
✓ Limitations of not having a negotiated indirect cost
✓ Why recovering funds left on the table is critical

Session 2, Managing Indirect Costs Under Uniform Guidance, will cover:
✓ Responsibilities as a pass-through entity
✓ Responsibilities as a sub-recipient of a pass-through entity
✓ Negotiating an indirect cost rate with a pass-through entity
✓ How both parties can work together to accomplish the mission