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2024 W. Montague Cobb Institute Health Disparities Symposium


2024 W. Montague Cobb Institute Health Disparities Symposium

The symposium is complimentary for students, scholars, and residents.  Please email to register.

W. Montague Cobb/NMA Health Institute & Howard University Hospital - Lester Henry Auditorium
2024 Health Disparities Symposium Agenda (Subject to change)
Saturday, January 27, 2024
7:00am – 1:00pm PM EST

7:00am Registration and Continental Breakfast

7:30am Welcome and Introductions
Randall Morgan MD
Mallory Williams MD FACS

7:45am History of the Cobb Symposium
Randall Morgan MD

8:00am Historical perspectives from the Howard University Hospital Department of Surgery
Edward E Cornwell, III MD FACS
Title: Diversifying the Surgical Workforce: The Role of a Single Hospital

8:30am Break/Posters/Exhibits

8:45am Disparities in HealthCare Outcomes (Session 1)
Moderator: Terrence Fullum MD MBA FACS

  • Roger Mitchell MD
    • Title: Official Ignorance: Death in Custody as a Public Health Issue
    • Objectives
      • Discuss the history and development of the Deaths in Custody Reporting Act
      • Describe the categories of Death in Custody and the importance of diagnostic uniformity
      • Discuss the role of the US Standard Death Certificate as a tool in understanding Death in Custody
  • Mallory Williams MD
    • Title: The Source of Self Regard: Howard University’s Pursuit of Health Equity
    • Objectives
      • Discuss the history of Howard University scholarship in health disparities.
      • Discuss HUH Level I Trauma Center current policy and community engagement programs.
      • Discuss the academic mentorship programs that support continued growth and development of diverse health care workforce.
  • May Tee, MD
    • Title: Disparities in Surgical Oncology and Cancer Care
    • Objectives
      • Describe disparities in surgical oncology care
      • Identify barriers and facilitators to cancer screening
      • Discuss future initiatives to improve upon delivery of surgical oncology care
  • Akinyemi Oluwasegun MD
    • Title: Firearm Mortality Patterns in the US: A Half-Century Analysis
    • Objectives
      • Discuss the historical patterns and recent trends in firearm related deaths in the US, including suicides, homicides, and accidental fatalities
      • Gain insights into the key risk factors associated with different types of firearm mortality
      • Explore the need for comprehensive public health strategies, mental health support, and targeted preventive measures to address the escalating trend of firearm related deaths.
  • Gezzer Ortega MD
    • Title: Improving Access and Outcomes for Surgical Patient with Limited English Proficiency
    • Objectives
      • To understand the current challenges for patients with limited English Proficiency (LEP)
      • To provide insight into solutions to address health inequities for patients with LEP
      • To learn about opportunities to advocate and enhance policies for improving the care of patients with LEP
  • Quyen Chu MD FACS
    • Title: The Tale of Two Hospitals
    • Objectives
      • Recognize complex/advanced solid tumors
      • Understand that advance tumors occur in all socioeconomic stratum
      • Appreciate the challenges facing patients with advanced cancers
  • Kakra Hughes MD PhD
    • Title: Lingering Disparities in the Management of Peripheral Artery Disease
    • Objectives
      • Discuss disparities in black patients who are more likely to undergo amputation rather than limb-saving revascularization when compared to white patients
      • Discuss disparities in black patients who present with more severe vascular disease than whites when undergoing vascular procedures
      • Discuss the facts that Black patients are more likely to undergo amputation even at high volume vascular centers when compared to white patients
  • Terrence Fullum MD MBA FACS
    • Title: The Affordable Care Act (ACA): An Equalizer for Access to Bariatric Surgery
    • Objectives
      • To understand the health care disparities associated with Bariatric Surgery
      • To determine the impact of the ACA on access to Bariatric Surgery
      • To discuss the implications of the effect of the ACA on health care disparities
11:15am Break/Posters/Exhibits

11:30am Disparities in Healthcare Outcomes (Session 2)
Moderator: Dexter Frederick MD, Vice Dean for DEI, Loma Linda Medical School, California
  • Speaker:  Dr. Doris Browne -Past President of NMA and Co-Chair Steering Committee of Project Impact 2.0 (15 minutes)
    • Title: The Basics of DNA Genetics of Ancestry and Precision Medicine
    • Objectives
      • Understanding precision medicine on personal healthcare
  • Speaker: Dr. Kareem Washington, Howard University (30 minutes)
    • Title: Genetics of Sickle Cell Disease: CRISPR Gene Editing to Cure the Condition.
    • Objectives
      • Understanding faith-based research and sickle cell disease
12:15 pm –12:30 pm – Q&A Moderated by Dr. Dexter Frederick

12:30pm Summation - Mallory Williams MD FACS

1:00 pm Box Lunch/Posters/Exhibits

January 27, 2024
Sat 7:00 AM EST
Howard University Hospital - W. Lester Henry (Tower) Auditorium Ambulatory Care Building First Floor 2041 Georgia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20060

View map and directions

Duration 6H 0M

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