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Project Delivery Excellence Through Planning


Quality in project delivery can be very subjective. We seem to know it when we see it, but how do we achieve it consistently? Re-evaluate your strategies for quality management and examine the building blocks of a robust program that goes beyond the traditional QA/QC "check the box" at the end of a phase. Holistically looking at the issues affecting a firm's delivery capability and drilling down to the steps of individual teams, this session studies where and how breakdowns in quality occur and how to counter them. We will identify the "customer" for a given design phase, link project advancement to the BIM Level of Development (LOD) specification, and provide a framework for the assessment of building systems, details, and their coordination. Quality does not just happen; it must be built into the ways we work.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:
  • Evaluate traditional QA/QC programs from a cost-benefit standpoint
  • Assess typical process breakdowns that lead to errors and rework
  • Set up the building blocks for a firm-wide Project Excellence Planning approach
  • Rank, track, and score project success using a quality commissioning scorecard

Symbol Key

 Indicates item required for certificate
 Indicates item has been completed
 Indicates item locked until previous item complete

Learning Units

CSI: 1.00
AIA LU: 1.00