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Trauma Informed Design, get "The Specifics" with Lynsey Hankins & Michelle Vincent of PPG.

About This Program

Color influences all aspects of design and needs to be considered when establishing the use of a building. The goal of trauma informed design is to use empathy to create environments that promote a sense of calm, safety, dignity, empowerment, and well-being for all occupants. This can be achieved by adapting spatial layout, thoughtful furniture choices, visual interest, light and color, art, and biophilic design. This course explains why all design decisions should be filtered through the overlapping lenses of psychology, neuroscience, physiology, and cultural factors.

Session Takeaways

  • Participants will improve their knowledge of trauma and trauma informed design. Then adapt their color selections based on this knowledge.
  • Participants will be able to select color palettes recommended for various trauma situations.
  • Participants will improve their understanding of design elements to be applied to mental awareness and trauma health situations.
  • Participants will improve their knowledge of how much their physical environment and social situations can affect them physiologically and emotionally.

Symbol Key

Indicates item required for certificate
Indicates item has been completed
Indicates item locked until previous item complete

Learning Units

CSI: 1.0 LU
*May be submitted for domain specific learning units to CDT recertification, and/or general learning units for CCCA, CCS, and CCPR.
AIA: 1.0 LU/HSW*
*Submitted for credit and awaiting confirmation.

Relevant Practices

General Project Delivery
Specifying/Information Management
Product Selection/Specification
Construction Management/Construction
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Ownership/Property Management