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Ethical Considerations When Working with Youth Who Engage in Problematic Sexual Behaviors

Content Warning:
This presentation will discuss information related to sexual themes and children who have been harmed in a sexual way.

In this training, participants will take time to reflect on personal biases in working with this population and learn appropriate terminology, best practice standards, and how to assist with coordination of care. Participants will also reflect on ways to assist and support with safety planning and identify one goal to implement moving forward. There will be opportunities for participants to actively join in break out rooms, discussion, and polls.

Training objectives:

  1. To identify and acknowledge personal biases regarding youth who engage in problematic sexual behaviors in order to avoid discrimination.
  2. To learn appropriate terminology and about treatment standards for best practice.
  3. To identify ways to assist with coordination of care with internal and external entities.
  4. To reflect on ways to support safety planning for these youth and their families.
  5. To determine one goal to implement moving forward when working with these youth and their families.