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Developmentally Supportive Care in the Pediatric CICU

FPTA | Florida Physical Therapy Association | Path Homepage


Course Description

This course will provide an overview of developmentally supportive care and its relevance to the pediatric CICU. Research focused on purpose, supports, and barriers to creating an interdisciplinary developmentally supportive care team will be explored. Discussion will occur related to the application and utility of developmentally supportive care initiatives.

Learning Tracks

Learning Track


Amanda Clifton PT, DPT
Home Study

Learning Objectives

1. Describe developmental supportive care and the core measures it entails

2. Discuss the importance of developmentally supportive initiatives in the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit (CICU)

3. Identify purpose, supports, and barriers to creating an interdisciplinary developmentally supportive care team

4. Discuss implementations of core concepts with a focus on protected sleep, positioning, and nursing driven mobility programs