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"Strategic Planning: Public Outreach and Enhanced Communication with Licensees"

West Virginia Board of Medicine

Contact: Andrew R. Wessels, Director of Intergovernmental and Public Relations,

The West Virginia Board of Medicine embarked on its first Strategic Planning process in October 2017. Utilizing external facilitators, WVBOM engaged Board members and staff in an exhaustive review of the Board’s role in protecting the public as well as its day-to-day functions. During an ensuing weekend retreat, participants crafted the WVBOM’s Mission, Vision and Core Values.

Subsequent planning sessions in Fall 2018 and Fall 2019 produced detailed Strategic Plans that include specific, date-sensitive Goals and Objectives, allowing WVBOM to track progress and measure accomplishments against defined criteria.
Resulting projects included a comprehensive survey of licensees, stakeholders, and state legislators; targeted publications and communications activities; outreach to state, national and international organizations; and, an ambitious, ongoing project to update the Board’s entire technological infrastructure, including its database and website.

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