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HL7 FHIR for Business Analysts 2020.06.29

Instructor: Jay Lyle
  • Currently: Terminologist / Standards Architect for JP Systems, consulting primarily for Veterans Health Administration
  • Patient Care co-chair
This 3-hour online class is an overview of the HL7® FHIR® health data standard specification, with special attention to concerns faced by clinical analysts, business analysts, information modelers, terminologists, business architects and any non-technical person needing a detailed understanding of how the technology supports information design.

The course will explain key priorities of the FHIR design in context of the historical and industry reasons for those priorities, introduce the main features of the design, review modes of implementation and their respective costs and drivers and look at some of the challenges facing the FHIR community.

Who Should Attend?
  • Clinical analysts
  • Business analysts
  • Terminologists
  • Information modelers
  • Business architects
  • Any non-technical person needing a detailed understanding of how FHIR supports information design