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20220524 HAPI FHIR

Instructor James Agnew (with his buddy Darma)
Project Lead, HAPI
Chief Technology Officer, Smile CDR

This online class introduces the HAPI FHIR® framework for developing applications in Java. Covered topics will include the data model and parser/serializer framework, and how to build both HL7 FHIR clients and FHIR servers using HAPI FHIR.
It will also include details on HAPI FHIR validation, as well as how to leverage the HAPI FHIR interceptor framework to develop a robust security/authorization layer.
Hands-on exercises will be included

This Tutorial Will Benefit:

  • Java developers looking to get started or improve their skills developing FHIR-based solutions
Upon Completion of this Tutorial, Students Will:
  • Know the various components of the HAPI FHIR library and explain their uses within an application
  • Use the HAPI FHIR library to create a working client application and a working server application on their own laptop
  • Understand principles of resource validation
  • Understand principles of security in FHIR applications
Please ensure to have the following prerequisites installed on your workstation:
    • Java JDK version 11.x
    • Apache Maven (latest version available)
    • Java IDE of your choice (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse)