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Ethics in Social Media – Part Two

[No CEs] Join us for a “part two” of the popular IARP 2020 Conference session “Ethics in Social Media.” Social media has impacted our lives in a variety of personal and professional ways. The impact of social media on our professional lives became even more profound when, in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the CARES Act allowed the use of telmental health platforms including Facetime, Zoom, and Skype for providing mental health and rehabilitation services to clients! Consequently, most clinicians began offering telemental health services to clients from the security of their home offices. While virtual service provision has increased accessibility of services throughout the world, it has also posed some unique ethical challenges which rehabilitation providers need to be cognizant of. This session will provide insight into these ethical challenges and provide best practices for clinicians who provide telemental health services.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
  1. Identify the impact of the pandemic on social media interactions between providers and clients.
  2. Explore the unique ethical challenges associated with the provision of telmental health services.
  3. Develop best practices for virtual and social media engagement with clients.