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402: Post-DOT: Real Specified Vocational Preparation for Modern Work

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In disability hearings, Social Security Vocational Experts (SSVEs) are called upon to characterize a claimant's past relevant work using the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) last published in 1991. This includes the Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) time. While occupations, duties and technologies have evolved, 80% of the DOT has not been updated substantially since 1977. This session provides guidance to SSVEs to apply modern training times using the SVP time definitions as well as the ability to explain how and why modern occupational information is critical to the disability adjudication process.

learning objectives

  1. Identify DOT descriptions and SVPs from Date Last Updated (DLU) to address modern description and training time adjustments.
  2. Identify current sources of occupational data and training using the Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS) on which to base adjustments.
  3. Explain how the modern occupational tasks and SVP times differ from the DOT in a disability hearing setting.


  • John M. Yent, MA ABDA CRC CPWIC

    John Yent has a Master of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology from La Jolla University. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, Sociology and Cultural Anthropology from University of California - Santa Barbara. He is nationally certified as a Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Community Partner Work Incentives Counselor (CPWIC) and senior disability analyst and diplomate with the American Board of Disability Analysts (ABDA).
    John has 37 years’ experience in vocational and disability services as well as over 13,000 SSA hearings as a vocational expert. John is actively involved in disability employment as Executive Director of a national employment network.

  • Todd Gendreau, MS CRC CDMS ABVE/D

    Todd Gendreau has a Master of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from San Diego State University. He is nationally certified as a Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), a Disability Management Specialist (CDMS) and diplomate with the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/d).
    Todd has 27 years of experience as a vocational rehabilitation counselor providing vocational evaluations and expert witness services in workers compensation, personal injury/litigation and vocational expert testimony for the Social Security Administration.
    Todd has supervised new vocational rehabilitation counselors and has been actively involved in advisory groups, committees, pilot projects and legislative efforts, both locally and nationally.

May 17, 2024
Fri 3:00 PM CDT

Duration 1H 0M

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