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Considerations for International Expansion

This online course is designed for strategic decision-makers who are considering expanding their certification program globally or internationally. Gain the tools and resources you need to make a thoughtful decision on whether or not to expand your certification abroad, and guidance on how to execute your expansion plan.

Module 1: Why and How to Expand your Certification Programs Abroad

  • Recognize the difference between international and global expansion
  • Determine your organization's main motivations for international or global expansion
  • Utilize tools to perform the market and risk analysis necessary for your organization to make an informed decision about expansion
  • Examine various delivery models for your products and services abroad, including the benefits and risks for each
  • Explore the main legal issues that need to be addressed before doing business in another country or region
Module 2: Legal Issues
  • Recognize the importance of foreign legal counsel to navigate the complexities necessary to do business in an international region
  • Understand the issues and steps needed to protect privacy and intellectual property abroad
  • Plan for the handling of money as related to banking arrangements, laws, and currency exchanges
  • Understand the various types of taxes and trade restrictions that affect trade and movement of products internationally
  • Identify key issues when entering into contractual agreements with various foreign entities
Module 3: Taking Your Certification International or Global
  • Describe the unique challenges of delivering certification in an international market
  • Identify the important components to building an appropriate infrastructure to support certification operations
  • List the various considerations in translating or adapting exams and materials into other languages
  • Recognize the security risks with deploying certification abroad, and how to mitigate these risks
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