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Inspiring students to apply food science to food security On Demand Webcast

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Food science is highly underutilized as a means to alleviate food insecurity in developing countries. An emerging discipline called Food Science for Relief and Development (FSRD) seeks to expand the use of food science and technology to address this problem. Food science can extend shelf life and preserve foods, reduce postharvest food loss and waste, increase food safety, add value/improve profits, provide jobs, and help develop economies. While the principles of food chemistry, food engineering, and nutrition are the same regardless of the context, the implementation of food science is very different in low vs. high income countries. Thus, there is a need for specialized curricula and training to develop expertise for effective implementation. This session will explore the field of applied food science for food insecurity, the challenges of implementation in developing countries, and present examples of programs that prepare students to solve the problem of global hunger.