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Why Grandma Isn't Getting Her 100 Days of Medicare (NAELA)

Colleen Ceh Becvar speaks on 'Why Grandma Isn't Getting Her 100 Days of Medicare...'. This presentation covers case studies, payment models, hospitalization, nursing homes and more. Colleen is a gerontologist and certified geriatric care manager through the National Academy of Certified Care Managers. Colleen’s 25+ year career of advocating for older adults includes published research on elder abuse and neglect, numerous awards for leadership in the aging network, and a meaningful pursuit of improving the lives of older adults and the disabled. Most recently, her career culminated in co-founding Trinity Advocacy Group, which provides geriatric care management, professional fiduciary services, and elder mediation. Her experience provides clients and families with the resources and support they need to navigate through the inevitable challenges that can accompany aging, disability, or caring for a loved one. Colleen also teaches “Gerontology: Assessment and Intervention” to graduate level social work students at Aurora University.
Colleen Ceh Becvar, Trinity Advocacy Group