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Guide to Virtual Mentoring During Uncertain Times (A Chronus Resource)

Connecting People In An Isolated World

In this time of physical distancing, human connection has been made even more critical. People are experiencing an unprecedented and abrupt transition to working, learning and connecting remotely, whether they feel ready for it or not. How can leaders act quickly to foster those connections and ensure people feel supported? One way is to introduce a virtual mentorship program to create deep, purposeful relationships from afar. While some organizations will face harder times than others in the coming months, there is one thing that binds us all together and that is the basic need to connect with one another. Learn how to implement this strategy within your organization.

Explore all the resources on virtual mentoring that Chronus has to offer, including:
For questions about these resources, Chronus' mentoring platform or to receive a free eBook (Mentoring: Humanizing the Employee Experience), please contact Russell Blount, Account Executive, Chronus.

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