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Course Facilitator and Syllabus: Going Solo (Spring 2024)

course facilitator and syllabus

This course was inspired by the curriculum developed and taught by Dirk Jordan, Esq., a longtime member of the American Inns of Court and an adjunct professor at the University of Texas School of Law. The course was called, Starting and Managing Your Own Law Practice (Spring 2018 Course Syllabus).

Dirk was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In 1976, he graduated from LSU with degrees in psychology and history. Working in various fields for the next 13 years—including teaching theology and philosophy at Trinity College Dublin—Dirk decided to go to law school at the age of 34. After graduating from the University of Texas School of Law, Dirk was employed by a major Texas law firm, Strasburger & Price, working there for 10 years, becoming a partner with his class. In 2001 Dirk started his own firm, the Jordan Law Firm, and has worked as a sole practitioner since then.

In 2009, at an alumni reception for University of Texas School of Law, Dirk discovered that few to none of the graduating seniors had been able to find jobs due to the 2008 Great Recession. Concerned, Dirk approached the dean at the reception and suggested the school should prepare students to start their own firms given the dearth of available jobs. His offer was accepted, so Dirk developed the curriculum and started teaching, “Starting and Managing Your Own Law Firm.” He taught the course for ten years until retiring from teaching, at which point the position was given to one of his former students who had started his own thriving solo practice.
Dirk speaks and writes about issues facing law practice, including technology, ethics, and the practical business of running a law firm. He has been an active member of the Robert W. Calvert and Lloyd Lochridge American Inns of Court, as well as a Trustee of the national American Inns of Court Foundation.

The link to the syllabus below will give you an overview of what will be covered each week, along with the activities and events that are part of the module.
This syllabus was last updated on 4.17.24.
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Course Syllabus_as of 4-17-2024