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Course 100 – Principles of Land Acquisition

Please note: On May 3, 2024, the Federal Highway Administration published revisions to the Final Rule, amending the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (URA) regulations. IRWA is currently updating related course materials to reflect these changes. Meanwhile, please refer to theUniform Act Regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 — New Rule Fact Sheet, which includes Frequently Asked Questions and a high-level overview of the changes.

Course Description

This 16-credit course provides an awareness of the disciplines involved in right of way and the vital importance of the "team approach" to project management. This course also features international "country-specific" modules that provide unique country-specific information on these topics.* Participants will gain an understanding of environmental issues, learn the methods of acquiring and transferring title to realty, understand three views of engineering plans and the fundamentals in property description systems. Participants will also be introduced to ethics and its critical role in right of way practice. Additional topics include the requirements of a valid contract, information on easements, deeds, leases, the appraisal process, successful negotiations, and relocation requirements involved with right of way property acquisition and management. An exam at the end of the course will evaluate knowledge transfer.

*Canada premiers as the first international country-specific module while Australia/New Zealand is also included.

Attention: Texas Appraisers/Real Estate Agents/Easement Right of Way Agents: The online, on-demand version of this course is NOT approved for TREC Real Estate, TREC ERW, or TALCB Qualifying Education (QE) or Continuing Education (CE) credits.

However, the virtual and in-person offerings of this course are currently approved. You may sign up for one of those offerings using this

Please note:
You will only be tested on the general concepts of this course and not any of the international country-specific modules.

All participants will receive a total of 2 attempts to pass the exam with a score of a 75% or better. If a passing grade is not achieved by the second attempt, the participant must re-purchase the class if he or she wishes to take the exam a third time.

Price: $565 USD for members / $710 USD for non-members
Sale Price: $465 USD for members / $610 USD for non-members
Valid from Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at Noon (PDT) through Friday, August 16, 2024, at Noon (PDT)

  • New SR/WA Program: Core course required for the RWA certification.
  • Industry: A core course required for all 4 pathways in the RWA program.
  • Specialist: Required course for the R/W-URAC program.

  • Ethics
  • Interdisciplinary Team
  • Environmental Concerns
  • Engineering/Surveying
  • Appraisal of Real Property
  • Negotiation/Mitigation
  • Relocation Assistance
  • Property Law Concepts

Course Includes
  • Video module series instructed by a cohort of IRWA industry experts
  • Learning Guide w/ helpful Study Guide
  • Principles of Right of Way Desk Reference

Who Should Take This Course
This course is geared toward infrastructure professionals who want to learn the practice from an international perspective, novice right of way professionals with little or no experience in the right of way field, individuals specializing in a specific area of right of way, and right of way managers desiring a refresher course.

Note to Students
This course includes general content video modules as well as country-specific modules for the various disciplines involved in right of way and infrastructure work. There is a Learning Guide, which we suggest you download and/or print, to go along with the general content video modules and a Learning Guide to go along with the country-specific video modules.

Updates have been made to keep the course content current. Please note that the page numbers for the Learning in Action Exercises mentioned in the GENERAL CONTENT video module have changed since the update. Please use the list provided here to locate the page numbers of the Learning in Action Exercises mentioned in the video.

In addition, there are important supplementary handouts that we have included along with a helpful study guide. All video modules, Learning Guides, and supplementary handouts are available for you right on the course home page.

Also, please be sure to download your very own copy of The Principles of Right of Way Text included with this course.

We hope you enjoy the course and that you learn and are able to use and apply this information in the workplace. Good luck!