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Global II – International Real Estate

Course Description
Global II builds on the economic, cultural and geographic issues impacting the practice of real estate in major countries and regions around the world, including the importance of an exit strategy. Global II is one of the foundation courses for the FIABCI International Real Estate Consultant accreditation (FIREC). Completion of this course provides 2 hours of IRWA recertification credit.

Targeted Audience
The course is intended for all real estate and right of way professionals interested in conducting business outside their home country.

At the conclusion of the class you will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the following objectives:
  • Understand and use the economic factors that impact doing business in other countries.
  • Recognize and incorporate the cultural norms of major regions and countries.
  • Determine the potential for expanding your business outside your home country, including an exit strategy.

Price: $89 USD for members / $250 USD for non-members

Anytime you purchase an online class at IRWA University, you have one year from the date of purchase to complete your class. After that time, the class will no longer be accessible. Your progress is saved, however, it is highly recommended that you finish the class as soon as possible from the date of purchase to ensure high retention and application rate of knowledge and skills learned.

All participants will receive a total of 2 attempts to pass the exam with a score of a 75% or better. If a passing grade is not achieved by the second attempt, the participant must re-purchase the class if he or she wishes to take the exam a third time. Please note, IRWA online classes are not approved for State QE or CE credit.