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Keynote: Applying the ABT Framework to the Communication of Medicine

Randy Olson, PhD, Author, Scientist and Filmmaker

Moderator: Todd Parker, PhD, ISMPP CMPP, Chair, ISMPP Board of Trustees (2020-2021); Vice President, Managing Director, MedThink SciCom

Author and scientist-turned filmmaker Dr. Randy Olson will speak to the importance of science communication. Scientists are often poor communicators because of how they have been trained and need to be taught how to tell their science story in a way that their message is heard. This keynote will underscore the importance of effective communication and provide a tool that everyone can use to improve scientific communications.

Learning objectives:
  • Understand the importance of being taught how to communicate effectively
  • Be knowledgeable about the factors that contribute to effective communication to a wide range of audiences
  • Understand the principles of the ABT communication method

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