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Synergizing Scientific Transparency: A Crash Course from National Academy of Sciences Discussions

David Mellor, Director of Policy Initiatives, Center for Open Science
Leslie McIntosh, CEO, Ripeta; Executive Director, Research Data Alliance

Moderator: Richard W. Davis IV, Associate Editor, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, American Association for Cancer Research

Despite best efforts, scientific reproducibility remains low and contributes to the ultimate failure of many clinical candidates. The National Academy of Science has placed a particular focus on combatting this, producing three reports on the topic in as many years. The most recent, "Reproducibility and Replicability in Science," was the subject of a working discussion designed to generate a consistent set of minimum standards. In this session, delegates from this recent work group will provide a crash course of the discussions, focused on what medical publishing professionals need to know. Open discussion will follow to encourage member perspective.

Learning objectives:
  • Generate research products that fit minimum standards frameworks on the horizon
  • Synergize efforts to achieve scientific transparency by providing the industry/medical communications point of view in open discussions
  • Predict research and manuscript preparation strategies necessary for addressing upcoming initiatives in scientific transparency

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