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AP ISMPP U: Strategies to Educate HCPs and Authors on GPP3 and Good Publications Practice (April 2018)

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At the end of this session, attendees should:
  • Be familiar with the evolution of the GPP guidelines and the process used to try and ensure their broad and relevant applicability
  • Understand the updated GPP3 guidance on authorship requirements and recommendations for common authorship issues
  • Gain an understanding of the rationale for the new "What Studies to Publish" section
  • Know what type(s) of clinical studies should be published, where they should be published and when
  • Be familiar with the pharmaceutical association joint position statement
  • Be able to appropriately manage the "difficult to publish" studies
  • Understand how "disclosure" is a less ambiguous term than "conflict of interest" (or "potential of conflict of interest") and can promote greater transparency
  • Understand how GPP3 allows for compensation at fair market value for activities related to medical publishing
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