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SLS 101: A How-to-Guide to Student Leadership Summits

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Webinar Description:
This webinar has been developed by ITE Student Chapters for ITE Student Chapters, and will focus on the Student Leadership Summit (SLS). Students who attend this webinar will receive background information on what SLS is and why it is important for chapters to be involved in them. The webinar will also share some brief statistics on other ITE Student Chapters’ involvement with SLS, including budgets, attendees, and qualitative assessments on how SLS has helped their chapter.

Furthermore, students attending this webinar will receive tips on how they can maximize the value of attending SLS for their chapter. In terms of hosting SLS, information will be provided to help student chapters determine if hosting is right for them. Useful advice from students who have recently hosted an SLS will also be provided to help student chapters overcome common challenges and barriers.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what SLS is and why it is important
  • Gain insight on other student chapters’ involvement levels in SLS and their views on its advantages and disadvantages
  • Learns ways to make attending SLS effective for your chapter
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of hosting an SLS
  • Gain advice on hosting an SLS


  • Cadell Chand, OSU ITE President | Oregon State University

    Cadell is a 2nd year M.S. Transportation Engineering student, and received his H.B.S. in Civil Engineering from OSU. He has interests active transportation, ITS, CAVs, and their relations to each other. Cadell joined ITE at OSU because he enjoys the community and hopes to bring more undergraduates into the club.

  • Travis Larson, OSU ITE Executive Chair and Past-President | Oregon State University

    Travis is a M.S. graduate student working in the Oregon State Driving and Bicycling Simulator Laboratory. He received his BSCE from OSU and liked it so much that he decided to stay here. His graduate research consists of analyzing FYA change and clearance interval operations and evaluating alternative pedestrian detection technologies. In the future, he hopes to help design safer and more efficient multi-model networks in the Pacific Northwest.

  • Hadis Nouri, Ph.D Student |Michigan State University

    Hadis is a Ph.D. student and teaching assistant in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Michigan State University (MSU) under the lead advice of Dr. Peter Savolainen. Her research is focused on crash analysis and driver behavior. Prior joining MSU, she received her MSc. in Industrial Engineering from Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) in Germany.

  • Megat Usamah Megat Johari, Ph.D Student | Michigan State University

    Megat Usamah Megat Johari is a Ph.D. student at MSU with a major in civil engineering focusing in transportation engineering. He graduated with a master’s degree from Iowa State University (ISU). His research interest currently focuses on traffic safety and he has worked on several projects with Iowa Department of Transportation including, developing a comprehensive access management policy and guidelines, and evaluating the performance of median cable barrier in Iowa.

September 24, 2019
Tue 3:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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