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RSP Module 1: Foundations of Road Safety

RSP Module 1: Foundations of Road Safety
This module covers a broad spectrum of road safety topics at a high level, to introduce the transportation professional to basic concepts and terminology and understand the scope of what is commonly considered to be major elements of the road safety genre. The specific areas covered include a basic definition of road safety, evidence-based road safety, crash causation and severity, road user characteristics, road safety partners, approaches to road safety management, economic analysis of safety, road safety culture, and future trends in safety policy and technology.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn basic information about the RSP exam, including a brief background on its development
  • Be able to identify the key resources and publications that will be drawn upon for Level 1 of the RSP exam
  • Learn a basic definition of road safety, as well as differences between nominal and subjective road safety
  • Be able to identify several different approaches to road safety management
  • Learn about current and future trends in safety policy and technology

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