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Turn Conflicts with Vulnerable Road Users

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This webinar is led by ITE Traffic Engineering Council and Pedestrian Bicycle Committee.

To learn how to register and see more information about the webinar including PDH credit certificate fees, please view the webinar course page here.

Webinar Description:

This webinar will explore the state of the practice in innovative traffic control and design countermeasures to reduce turn conflicts with vulnerable road users. The presentation will introduce the safety risks of turning movements such as visibility and reaction time and, through the Safe System Approach, explore approaches to reducing conflict risk and managing speed and crash angles to mitigate kinetic energy imposed on vulnerable road users in the event of a crash. Specific countermeasures will be introduced, and the speakers will review the design or policy's applicability to different types of intersections or conflict zones (e.g., driveways).

Attendees will gain an understanding of the types of turn conflicts, intersection design and traffic control countermeasures to reduce turn conflict risk and improve vulnerable road user safety, and safe system framework for applying these countermeasures to conflict areas.

Learning Objectives:
  • Recognize the safety risks associated with turning movements and conflict with vulnerable road users.
  • Describe the data and analysis methodologies for evaluating and addressing turn conflicts. This includes developing awareness of how speed, kinetic energy, and angles relate to crash event and outcomes.
  • Identify design countermeasures and other traffic control interventions to reduce turn conflicts with vulnerable users, and will understand how and where these countermeasures are applied.
  • Recall turn conflicts and the associated countermeasures to reduce these conflicts as part of a broader Safe System Approach, and will know about the tenets of the Safe System Approach and framework.
  • List available resources and guidance to support policies, strategies, and countermeasures to help transportation professionals with design and implementation.

The webinar recording will be made available on-demand it will have a shelf life of 60 days to register before it is archived. Participants are able to purchase and retrieve their PDH credit certificate until their access to the content expires. After the content expires and goes into archive, the PDH credit certificate opportunity is forfeited.


  • Moderator: Tina Fink, P.E., PTOE, Senior Traffic Engineer | Toole Design | Silver Spring, MD, United States

    Christina Fink, P.E., PTOE is a Professional Engineer who has led and supported numerous project types, such as traffic analysis, signal design, design guidance, crossing improvements, school planning and design, and parking analysis. Tina is a contributing author to both national and local design guidance. One of her specialties is leading engineering studies of safety improvements for shared use path crossings, mid-block crossings and intersection crossing improvements. As a part of her public and stakeholder engagement expertise, Tina enjoys simplifying large and complex sets of data into meaningful and easy to understand charts, tables and other visuals. Tina is the Principal Investigator for NCHRP 15-73 Design Options to Reduce Turning Motor Vehicle – Bicycle Conflicts at Controlled Intersections that includes an original research project and will culminate in a Decision Tool and Design Guidance.

  • Jessica Schoner, PhD, Data Science Lead | Safe Streets Research & Consulting | Minneapolis, MN, United States

    Dr. Jessica Schoner is the Co-Owner and Data Science Lead of Safe Streets Research & Consulting, LLC. She brings 13 years of academic and consulting experience as a transportation researcher, planner, and data scientist, including translating original research and cutting-edge studies into actionable outcomes and interactive data-driven tools for her clients. Dr. Schoner uses GIS and statistics to help federal, state, regional, and local agencies answer critical questions about the effects of infrastructure and the built environment on travel behavior, physical activity, health, and safety outcomes. She is well-versed in qualitative and quantitative research methods, including literature review, survey design, survey data analysis and modeling, geospatial data analysis and modeling, Frequentist and Bayesian statistical modeling, and machine learning techniques. Dr. Schoner’s latest work has focused on research and applications of systemic safety analysis for vulnerable road users. She is particularly proud to have led the development of the Safer Streets Priority Finder, a free and open-source tool for practitioners to proactively screen their network for pedestrian and bicycle crash risk.

  • Cecily Foote, Street Designer | City of Austin Transportation and Public Works Department | Austin, TX, United States

    Cecily Foote is a street designer at the City of Austin focused on multimodal retrofit solutions to existing streets. Her portfolio includes Bikeways, Vision Zero, Safe Routes to School, Urban Trails, Sidewalks, Ped Crossings, and Transit Enhancement projects. Before Austin, she supported federal policy work with the League of American Bicyclists and worked on transportation demand management programming in San Mateo County, California. Cecily has degrees in Design (BS) and Environmental Communication (MA) from Stanford University.

  • Josh Workman, P.Eng, RSP1, Principal, Transportation | Stantec | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Josh is a highly skilled project manager and transportation practitioner with more than 14 years of experience on progressive and award-winning urban street projects across Western Canada. He is respected for his collaborative, inclusive, and results oriented leadership approach that drives creative interdisciplinary problem solving on complex projects. This was recently exemplified through the people-centric approach taken on the Marda Loop Main Streets Program where Josh worked closely with Stantec colleagues, the City of Calgary Project Management team, impacted parties in the Marda Loop area, and City of Calgary departments to successfully achieve project objectives prioritizing pedestrian movement and comfort, character and identity, landscaping, and mobility optimization. Josh has designed more than 18 km of bikeway and complete streets infrastructure across western Canada. He is known for his thoughtful and strategic design approach to optimizing implementation of active mobility infrastructure and has been recognized with local and national awards on his projects.

March 12, 2024
Tue 3:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 30M

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