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Conducting Remote Hearings

Conducting Remote Hearings
Course Description
In this new world of social distancing, COVID-19, and intense public scrutiny of how educational institutions address Title IX, schools are grappling with how best to adjudicate sexual assault complaints.
  • Can hearings be conducted in a fair manner when no one is in the same location?
  • How can institutions ensure policy compliance if they have never met their Hearing Officer?
  • How do we juggle witnesses, advisors, support people, administrators, and the parties themselves?
Join us for a content-packed hour while we explore all of these potential pitfalls. We will review the numerous benefits of remote hearings, how your institution can manage hearings in a fair and respectful manner, as well as tips and tricks to ensure a smooth and professional hearing.
Liz DeChellis is a Partner with Van Dermyden Makus. She is licensed to practice law in the State of California, and is certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). Prior to joining Van Dermyden Makus, Liz was employed at UC Davis where she routinely provided policy and contract interpretation to management and staff, responded to grievances and complaints, acted as the University Advocate for administrative hearings, and negotiated contracts with labor unions. Additionally, she conducted investigations and fact-findings and served as a Hearing Officer in student discipline hearings. Prior to law school, Liz worked in Human Resources for various companies, providing advice and assistance with recruitment, hiring, termination, and performance management. Liz is also an experienced investigator in Title IX sexual misconduct claims. She has investigated cases involving underage Complainants, multiple Respondents, and allegations involving incapacitation and inability to consent. Liz understands best practices in the Title IX arena, and the challenges facing schools and parties when sexual violence allegations surface. Liz frequently serves as an Appeal Hearing Officer for Title IX cases. In this role, Liz reviews campus responses to Title IX allegations within the framework of the individual school’s appeal process. In her deliberations, she considers whether the administration’s response to claims of sexual misconduct were compliant with policies meant to provide a safe campus for students. Liz has overseen cases involving dating violence, drug abuse, sexual assault, and incapacitation. She has experience questioning parties using trauma-informed techniques, making admissibility and relevance decisions, and issuing well-reasoned, thorough decisions. Additionally, Liz has investigated matters at K-12 Districts, including allegations involving discrimination and compliance. Her investigations have included interviews of administration, classified staff, as well as paraeducators.
This training is valuable for anyone involved in the Title IX investigation or hearing process.
1 Hour

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