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The Importance of Standards to the Smart Manufacturing Vision

If your organization is embracing Smart Manufacturing and working towards Industry 4.0, it should also look closely at existing and evolving industrial standards. In this webcast, panelists will share their experience with a myriad of companies and organizations involved in these types of efforts.
To realize the vision of an orchestrated optimized and transparent value chain, organizations need to consider standardizing data exchanges across different systems, departments, and stakeholders in the whole ecosystem. An API centric approach with industry standards is needed to support a multi-tier value chain with plug-and-play connectivity among most hardware and software vendors.
Our panelists will discuss the role of data exchange and communications standards towards realizing the Smart Manufacturing vision? During the discussion we will try to address some difficult questions including the following:
• Why are data exchange standards needed now more than ever before?
• What are the expected benefits if using standards?
• Are existing standards ready for the requirements of Smart Manufacturing?
• What if we move forward before standards are fully developed?
• How do standards keep up with the fast pace of technology innovation?
• Does government have to dictate standards to force adoption in industry?
It behooves organizations to (i) learn more about evolving data exchange standards, (ii) choose vendors involved with standards, (iii) involve themselves in the evolution of standards as part of a corporate strategy to evolve their value chain and be ready to join their customer's future ecosystem.
This discussion will also touch on the role of the many organizations involved in these efforts including: IIC, CESMII, DMDII, ISO, IEC, ISA, OAGi, OPC, MIMOSA, MESA and NIST.

Date Published: March 2018


  1. Conrad Leiva
  2. David Noller
  3. Dave Vasko