Welcome to NACUA's Online Learning Center!

Live and Recorded Webinars Workshops and Conferences
NACUA’s webinars are interactive, virtual programs in which attendees participate without leaving their office. NACUA members may purchase access to recent webinar recordings and may also access  selected webinar recordings for free. Webinar recordings are exclusively available to NACUA members and can be watched or listened to any time.                                                                                                                                                                            NACUA’s workshop and conference materials—including written materials and session recordings—are available to attendees and members through this section of the Online Learning Center. All attendees, including members and non-members, can access materials from recent programs. Members can also purchase access to events they were not able to attend.  Access to materials and recordings from certain past live sessions is available to NACUA members for free.
Online Courses

NACUA Briefings offer timely education on breaking legal developments. Briefings are audio-only and free of charge for NACUA members. NACUA’s online courses give participants in-depth coverage of important issues in the practice of higher education law. Each course features PowerPoint presentations narrated by leading higher education law experts, extensive course materials, self-assessments and instructor-led webinars.                                                                        
Video Library
NACUA’s Video Library provides complimentary access to select recordings of sessions from previous live programs. These recordings are available to all NACUA members.

Sign in using your NACUA username and password. Forgot your password? Reset it here.

The recordings and accompanying materials available in NACUA's Online Learning Center contain the viewpoints of the presenters and authors and not of NACUA. The content is not approved or endorsed by NACUA. The content should not be considered to be or used as legal advice. Legal questions should be directed to legal counsel.


On Demand Events

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