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2021 Opportunity Zones

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This topic will concentrate on the tax-deferment of capital gains while allowing those funds to be invested into blighted and dis-enfranchised communities. Taxes can be deferred for up to 5-years allowing a 10% reduction in the original capital gains tax. An overall 10-year investment allows appreciated values to become tax-free when sold.


  • Ben Tallman, EA, USTCP

    Ben Tallman is an NTPI Fellow with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Ben has taught for many years at local, state, and national organizations. He has served on the NAEA Education Foundation and is a prior GAEA education director. Ben is a regular on Tax Talk Today and has conducted numerous webinars and podcasts over the years. He is a US Tax Court practitioner and writes articles of interest for the NAEA & NATP Journals. Ben operates a tax practice and representation business in Atlanta.

May 18, 2021
Tue 2:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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