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Investment Income Forms, Supplements, and Sources for Research

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Investment Income Forms, Supplements, and Sources for Research
IRS Program #:
CTEC #: 6257-CE-0138
CE: 2 IRS & 2 CTEC credits
Speaker: Beth Logan, EA

This introductory class will set the foundation for the others classes. The reporting forms, such as 1099-INT, -DIV, -B, and K-1 will be presented. The information from these forms will be translated to the tax filing forms, such as Schedules B and D and Form 8960. Many situations require additional information not provided on the reporting forms to reduce the taxes due. This class will discuss the supplemental materials often provided and how to research additional information for the taxpayer’s benefit.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the forms that inform clients of investment income.
  • Translate the data on the reporting forms to the 1040 Schedules.
  • Define qualified and ordinary dividends, including dividends from S-corps.
  • Knowwhen additional information is necessary to create tax advantaged positions.
  • Recognizing inherited assets.
  • Understand NIIT


  • Beth Logan, EA

    Beth Logan, EA, is the owner of Kozlog Tax Advisers. Her business provides tax preparation, representation, tax advise, and business consulting for clients throughout the US and globally, focusing on Massachusetts. Logan became an Enrolled Agent in 2013 and has been a member and active participant in MaSEA and NAEA, including two years as MaSEA President and one year as NAEA Education Chair. She has presented many tax classes to Enrolled Agents and laypersons, written numerous articles, and written three books on taxes, including the latest, Divorce and Taxes After Tax Reform. She has two electrical engineering degrees from Georgia Institute of Technology and an MBA from University of Maryland, College Park.

June 26, 2023
Mon 2:00 PM EDT

Duration 2H 0M

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