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Making Data Come Alive: Diverse Methods for Engaging Stakeholders in Meaningful Assessment

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Many colleges and universities have made great progress in the development of an institution wide internationalization plan. They have codified student learning outcomes, implemented internationalized courses and campus-based co-curricular activities, and increased support for student and faculty exchange and international agreements. Most, however, struggle with the development and implementation of an assessment plan that will provide stakeholders with the kind of information they need to evaluate the effectiveness of internationalization activities. Fewer still have developed methods for using assessment data to sustain and improve their internationalization initiative.

This webinar will focus on practical methods for realizing robust internationalization with a lively assessment plan. Participants will acquire a toolbox of background knowledge and ideas that will enable them to develop, lead, and refine unique internationalization assessment plans at their own institutions.
Invite your academic, administrative, and student affairs colleagues to join this webinar! Sharing NAFSA webinars is a cost-effective method of staying abreast of the hottest topics facing the field today. Show the webinar in a room with a projector, and you can invite as many attendees as you wish for the price of one registration!


  • Acquire new tools that will help you develop, lead, and refine your internationalization assessment plans.
  • Examine the assessment instruments and data reporting methods that enable continuous improvement.
  • Discover how program goals and learning outcomes interrelate.
  • Develop strategies for analyzing and communicating results to administrators, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and even community members.