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OD2-228 Household Boot Camp

Course Description
Do you work with residential clients that are overwhelmed by their lack of solid routines, habits, tasks, plans, and schedules? It’s time for a Household Boot Camp! In this session, you will learn how to help your clients create automated routines from good habits by finishing the well thought out tasks you help them properly plan on their simplified schedules. Don’t worry because you’ll have assistance from provided quizzes, handouts, statistics, and case studies. So, get ready for a workout – we are shaping up our favorite household clients.

Learning Objectives
1. Identify techniques to help your client lead a successful and productive family meeting.
2. Compare and contrast all the components of a family command center. 
3. List several planning solutions for family chores, meal preparation and laundry workflows. 
4. Explore communication techniques for simpler interaction among family members and household helpers. 
5. Evaluate several automation systems that can positively impact your clients' schedules as well as your own.
6. Analyze how different time management principles can transform how clients structure their days. 
7. Discover tools to increase the likelihood of client organizational maintenance. 
8. Consider new resources to support client and self-planning and scheduling success.

Instructor: Kate Martin
Total Time: 137 minutes
CEUs: 2.0

Code Words
Please be sure to listen for and record the code words given during the presentation. The instructor will explicitly verbalize code words periodically throughout the class (i.e. "The first code word is...") Note: Not all instructors give code words. If you do not hear any, please indicate "none given" on the course evaluation.