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CR 2-613 What’s ADHD Got to do With It?: Getting and Keeping Your Clients in Action (4-2)

4 Course items

Instructor: Laurie Dupar
Total time: 112 minutes
CEUs: 2.0
Conference Year: 2015

Course Description
Do your clients have problems staying focused? Does their motivation wane? Are both of you frustrated because they don’t follow through? Whether your clients have ADHD or not, when they don’t take action, progress stops dead in its tracks.
This session will be led by Laurie Dupar, trained Psychiatric Mental Health Practitioner and 12 year credentialed ADHD life coach. Laurie is a world recognized ADHD expert known for her engaging, content filled, story-telling presenting style. Stop the frustration and exhaustion of trying to get your client to follow through. Attendance in one of her sessions will have you taking away concrete strategies and behind the scenes “secret sauce” tips for getting and keeping your clients moving forward and getting it done.

Learning Objectives
1. Describe at least three ways to keep clients focused, committed, and engaged for the long haul.
2. Learn three key obstacles that impede client follow through and what they can do about them.
Techniques, strategies, and tools they can use right away for activating their clients, keeping them focused, and following through.

Code Words
Please be sure to listen for and record the code words given during the presentation. The instructor will explicitly verbalize code words periodically throughout the class (i.e. "The first code word is...") Note: Not all instructors give code words. If you do not hear any, please indicate "none given" on the course evaluation.