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CR 2-608 Organized Mind, Organized Life: Brain Hacks for Productivity (6-1)

4 Course items

Instructor: Alan Brown
Total time: 88 minutes
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2015

Course Description
Many professional organizers work not just with disorganized lives and businesses, but with the disorganized minds behind them. Indeed, in our crazy-busy world, everyone can use a little more mental organization and control.
This session taps into the burgeoning area of mindfulness-related productivity strategies, providing a toolbox of powerful yet easily implemented mindfulness “brain-hacks” promoting order and productivity. Just a few examples: a deconstruction of frustration and paralyzing overwhelm that yields to action, re-framing of time that frees the overwhelmed mind to act effectively, and simple ways of quieting the mind to power it up. Alan Brown, ADHD coach and creator of the award-winning ADD Crusher™ instructional videos, leads this interactive session that will benefit both disorganized individuals and the professionals who serve them.

Learning Objectives
1. Gain a new understanding of the power one holds over outside circumstances (including procrastination, clutter, overwhelm) by virtue of understanding and controlling the inner voice.
2. 10-20 powerful, yet easy-to-implement mindfulness “brain-hacks” that can be put to work immediately toward greater external organization and productivity.
Participants will be exposed to key elements of the burgeoning (and research-supported) strategy area of mindfulness-based productivity and organization for continued exploration.

Code Words
Please be sure to listen for and record the code words given during the presentation. The instructor will explicitly verbalize code words periodically throughout the class (i.e. "The first code word is...") Note: Not all instructors give code words. If you do not hear any, please indicate "none given" on the course evaluation.