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CR 2-634 Unstuck, Uncluttered and In Charge with Mindful Presence

Instructor: Alan Brown
Total time: 86 minutes 
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2016

Course Description
Examines how our clients get stuck, procrastinate and get locked out of productive choices. Provides a handful of Practical Zen Brain Hacks to reframe sources of overwhelm, then a set of powerful questions to unlock the door to clarity and action. A fun, interactive session benefiting disorganized individuals and the professionals who serve them.
Code Words
Please be sure to listen for and record the code words given during the presentation. The instructor will explicitly verbalize code words periodically throughout the class (i.e. "The first code word is...") Note: Not all instructors give code words. If you do not hear any, please indicate "none given" on the course evaluation.