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The Hierarchy of Healing Your Home (CR1-734)

Growing a thriving business isn't a smooth road. It's full of twists and turns. Perhaps you've used traditional business methods with mixed results.

There's an easier way!

Learn how your home mirrors your life and can help you uncover what's emotionally holding you back. And once you know what's holding you back, how you can shift the energy of your home through a hierarchical process, so it supports your dreams, rather than sabotages them.

Session Objectives:
- Our homes are a mirror of our lives. When we shift the energy of one, we shift the energy of the other.
- We can use the feng shui bagua map to uncover the unrecognized clutter that's emotionally holding us back from thriving in our lives and businesses.
- There is a hierarchical process to changing the energy in our homes that consists of 5 layers, similar to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Speaker: Dorena Kohrs
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2021