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Digital File Organizing Across Mac & PC - Easier Than You Think (CR2-749)

Learn just how young Littles are able to learn organizing skills, why it's important to start young, and why it takes a village. Understand how a toddler's mind works and how to harness their independence, energy, and curiosity into organizing skills that will last a lifetime. Identify strategies and tools that set the entire family up for success. You'll leave AMAZED at how young Littles can get organized, how easy it is to build your A-Team, and how simple it is to get those Littles involved once you have the right tools in your toolkit!

1. Identify the age at which children can realistically begin learning organizing skills.
2. Gain understanding of how a child’s mind works, and use it to harness their independence, energy, and curiosity into organizing skills that will last them a lifetime.
3. Identify the tasks that varying age groups can safely and successfully organize.
4. Learn why it takes the entire family unit to maintain order and organization in the home. Discover tips and tricks for getting the family motivated and wanting to organize as a part of a daily routine.